Thursday, July 30, 2009

Juicer Recipes For Hangovers

There are a number of juicer recipes that are especially effective at combating the resulting hangover from over consumption of alcohol which is caused by a number of chemical imbalances in the body. Juicing fruits and vegetables high in sugars, nutrients, and minerals is a way of replenishing the body with very natural and very effective potions.

The best way to cure a hangover is by drinking something high in fructose, or fruit sugar, before going to bed. Drinking plenty of water will help flush out the toxins while the sugar helps the body metabolize the alcohol.

Calcium and magnesium in cauliflower and broccoli are very powerful agents to fight strong headaches. In the case of hangovers, try this recipe two or three times throughout the day until the hangover subsides. This recipe simply calls for a cup of cauliflower, a cup of broccoli, an apple and two oranges. Prepare the ingredients as usual and juice it all together.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Carrot Combination Juicer Recipe

The first juicer recipe calls for 2 and a half pounds of carrots, 1 beet with the greens still attached, 1 stalk of celery, a handful of parsley, a handful of spinach, 1 green pepper, a clove of garlic and a slice of ginger. The preparatory steps are pretty typical. Wash everything, peel the carrots and slice the beet. Allow the spinach and parsley to dry off a bit before using them for this drink.

Begin by feeding the beet and half the carrots into the juicer. Then juice the rest of the ingredients and use the rest of the carrots at the end. This is a great combination recipe that uses a large variety of ingredients to create a drink that has a wide range of nutrients that are great for the body.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Two Healthy Vegetable Juicer Recipes

For people who are beginning to introduce themselves to vegetable juicing, there are simple vegetable juicer recipes to get them acquainted with the taste of some common vegetables. Carrots make up the base of most common vegetable juicer recipes and the first recipe to start with is a simple carrot and strawberry juice. Use four to six carrots and six strawberries to create one serving. Preparatory steps include washing strawberries and carrots, peeling the carrots, and cutting them into pieces to fit the juicer. Feed one carrot into the juicer, then one strawberry. Continue alternating the strawberries and carrots through the juicer. Serve chilled or over ice on a warm day as a pleasant treat.

This recipe is a little more difficult for some because of the strong ‘green’ taste. With 50 grams of parsley and three washed and peeled carrots, feed both through the juicer. Use this juicer recipe for a very healthy drink.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Try Juicer Recipes With Lots of Vegetables

Juicer recipes that incorporate a wide variety of fruits and vegetables ensure that you are getting a well rounded assortment of nutrients. There are some vegetables such as beet root that are known cleansers and great for detoxify the body but it is important not to consume too much detoxification juices. By using a wide range of ingredients, this helps to keep the nutritional intake balanced.

The one group of produce that should definitely not be ignored, and is actually almost impossible to get too much of, is leafy greens. They do much to promote over health but the primary benefits that many people with western diets would enjoy is their effect on blood sugar levels. It improves the blood by increasing red blood cell count and allows the body to produce generous amount of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen throughout the body. Such vital health gains are hard to ignore once you become aware of them and that is why vegetable juicer recipes with lots of leafy greens should be a regular in your diet.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Three Cool Relaxing Juicer Recipes

On a hot day this juicer recipe is a great relaxation drink that is cool and simple to make. For a single serving wash four carrots and cut into pieces to fit your particular juicer model. Then wash and with or without skin, cut and feed half a cucumber into the juicer with the carrot. Stir and enjoy.

Another refreshing drink adds a little tropical zing to your juice. Using three or four carrots, washed and cut as appropriate, feed through the juicer first then follow with four to six rounds of pineapple and serve over ice.

For a more soothing drink, try this cool healthy juicer recipe. Still keeping with the simple theme, this recipe calls for three carrots, half a cucumber, and half a beet with the greens. Simply wash everything and cut up the ingredients to fit your juicer. Feed all the ingredients through your juicer and enjoy.